The Gifts for Life Society

 The Gifts for Life Society is a select group of donors who have remembered the Foundation in their will and have advised us of their plans. The Foundation has been privileged to be named in the estates of many caring individuals.

Gifts for Life Society Members

Carol Austen
Mark and Linda Beaumont
Dr. Ronald and Nicole Bourgeois
Mike and Judy Briggs
Bruce Brimacombe and Imelda Vautour
Bob and Paulette Buzzell
Jean-Jacques and Dorothy Caron
Gerald and Frances Chaulk
Sandra L. Clouston
Bill and Joanne Comeau
Terry Gauvin
Wayne and Edith Gillcash
Shirley Hawryluk
John and Shirley Howatt
Dr. Catherine Jee & Dr. James Hudson
Charles and Vicki Lawson
Brian and Dorothy Lilly
Marks and Donna Lockhart
Dr. Angus MacDonald and Dr. Amy Brennan
Doug and Gloria MacDonald
Retus and Mary MacFayden
Alan and Debbie MacLellan
Alberta MacLellan
Robert and Margaret MacQuade
Diane (Horsman) and Leigh Manning
Cheryl and Donald McCabe
Lorna and Blair McConnell
Doris Methot
Jean and John Neilson
Bruce and Pearl Nowlan
Hélène Ouellette and Bill Porter
Ken and Linda Saunders
Lois Scott and Mark Rooney
Julie and Roland Thebeau
Greg and Claudette Turner
Marie Vrensen
Deborah Watling
Kathy and Darrell Weir
Bill Whalen
Kaming Wong



How to Reach us

phone  (506) 857-5488
fax  (506) 857-5753
135 MacBeath Avenue
Moncton, NB E1C 6Z8

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